Are you ready to unlock the secrets of witchcraft and step into your power as a modern-day witch?

Let's be real, figuring out where to start and what to learn on your journey into the craft can be a major headache. There are a million books, blogs, and classes out there and you have no idea which ones are trustworthy, which ones will give you real magic, and which ones are a ripoff with the magical potential of a stale cracker.

It's time to cut through the confusion.

In The Coven, you'll embark on an immersive journey that will equip you with the knowledge, tools, and skills you need to confidently step into your role as a practicing witch. 

Every course is carefully crafted to provide you with practical insights, exercises, and rituals that build upon each other, guiding you through every aspect of the craft. No fluff, no empty promises – just a hands-on approach to harnessing your inner magic and creating positive change in your life.

After teaching hundreds of thousands of magical seekers through my blogs and newsletters and thousands of students here in The Coven, I know exactly what it takes to guide you from being confused and stuck to powerfully claiming your magic.

This is magic that works. No shortcuts. No nonsense. Just real magic, taught in a way that helps you find confidence in your craft.

🪄 What You'll Learn:

  • Build a Strong Foundation: Lay the groundwork for your magical journey by creating a personal grimoire, assembling your witch's toolkit, and mastering magical defense.
  • Harness Energetic Forces: Learn to ground, banish, cleanse, charge, ward, and even reverse spells effectively for optimal results.
  • Explore Diverse Aspects of Practice: Dive into magical theory, embrace the seasons and lunar phases, and create your own herbal toolkit.
  • Master the Craft of Spellweaving: Craft powerful spells by developing an in-depth knowledge of spellcraft and spell writing.
  • And much, much more...

🌙 Why Choose The Coven?

The Coven is a comprehensive and straightforward method of learning for those seeking to embrace witchcraft as a practical and empowering tool. Say goodbye to vague concepts and hello to hands-on techniques that make a tangible impact on your life.

🔮 Who Is This For?

The Coven is perfect for beginners and more advanced practitioners alike who want to learn witchcraft in a down-to-earth and authentic way. It's designed for those who appreciate straightforward, no-nonsense information and want to see real results from their magical practice.

✨Start Your Magical Journey Today!✨

Are you ready to embrace your inner witch and transform your life with the craft? Join The Coven now and embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and mastery.

Learning Witchcraft Has Never Been Easier

Join The Coven today and start making your magical dreams a reality.

Are you ready to step into your power?

The Coven is your ticket to finally unlocking your magic.

Tap into your magic with classes, spells, and community. Anytime. Anywhere.

Start learning today and reclaim your magical birthright!

  • Access To All 55+ Coven Classes
  • The Coven Spell Library
  • Private Community + App
  • The Premium Q&A Podcast
  • Monthly Guided Rituals
  • Learn 24/7. Anywhere. Anytime
  • Cancel Anytime

Get access to ALL 55 classes in The Coven


This is a great place for you to be starting your journey

Coming from someone who has joined numerous online "covens", paid for supposed classes and ended up learning almost everything I know by finding the information myself over years. This is, needless to say, exhausting and frustrating. Then about a month ago I found this Coven. In my experience, this has been the absolute best way to learn by far. If you have any questions at all, just post them and you will receive an answer. Everyone here is great!


Audio lessons are AMAZING

So loving the audio lessons so far!!!! So great to be able to listen on the go and while driving!!! Makes keeping up with everything so much easier!! Thank you!!!!!


You did an A++ job on your courses and knowing what magically inclined people want.

I want those 3 main elements in my life that you described and you described our problems EXTREMELY well. I have paid thousands over time for spells, books, tools, etc. and nothing that I can say with certainty has produced results. I have practiced on my own and not sure if I did better, and if it weren't for my intuitive side I'd be stuck going in a circle. You are more than amazing for that and I knew that you were one of the needed and missing elements.

Thank you for sharing your gifts and I am so grateful that I found you.

So, is The Coven right for you?

If you fit any of the following criteria, the answer is a resounding YES:

  • I feel like I’m missing community in my craft and I’m tired of feeling so alone

    Some witches are solitary and they like it that way but most of us crave community! It can be so hard to find others like ourselves, especially for those who live in smaller communities where there may only be a handful of witches in the entire town! The Coven membership provides you with a community of witches who are learning, growing, and expanding their magical prowess right alongside you. You don’t have to feel alone or struggle with concepts for weeks because there’s no one to help out.

  • I feel scattered and unfocused in my craft

    One of the main issues I see facing modern witches is overwhelm and the inevitable feeling of being scattered that can cause. There are a million books, dozens of subjects that might interest you, tons of conflicting opinions, and worst of all, it’s nearly impossible to keep track of such a huge variety of resources!

    This membership helps you consolidate your resources. Instead of trying to hunt down new resources or decide which topics to research and hoping you’re getting information from a reputable source, you get 55 courses and resources to help you learn along with suggestions for where to start and what order to take courses depending on your goals.

  • I want a teacher, a mentor, or someone with more experience to help guide my learning.

    I have well over a decade of focused study in the craft and a huge library of resources at my disposal that I can crack open should you need something that I can’t personally provide. You don’t have to do this thing alone! An entire community of amazing witches and I are here to help you become the badass witch you were born to be!

    No more struggling with your craft! Join The Coven and learn to deepen your magical practice and learn the craft the way YOU want.

Learning Witchcraft Has Never Been Easier

Join The Coven today and start making your magical dreams a reality.

Are you ready to step into your power?

The Coven is your ticket to finally unlocking your magic.

Tap into your magic with classes, spells, and community. Anytime. Anywhere.

Start learning today and reclaim your magical birthright!

  • Access To All 55+ Coven Classes
  • The Coven Spell Library
  • Private Community + App
  • The Premium Q&A Podcast
  • Monthly Guided Rituals
  • Learn 24/7. Anywhere. Anytime
  • Cancel Anytime

Feel Warmth and Joy

I just joined and started looking at the spells. I found at least three almost immediately that excited me and almost brought tears. Okay, I'm weird but hoping some things so needed can be helped a bit into fruition. Deeply personal things that only I can feel emotionally, ya know? Wow.


I have come to the realization that I actually can change certain aspects of my life.

I've recognized that I had convinced myself over time that I'm too f**ked up from trauma to ever change and that I was doomed to stay f**ked up forever. Through this class and your THRIVE class, I've discovered a lot about myself and why I do the things I do. I feel like I've done the "work before the work". Like now I can dig deeper into specific areas and make positive changes. Thanks 😊


  • How long will I have access to the courses?

    You keep your access to the courses, forum, and bonus content for as long as you have your membership. Any course, anytime, for as long as you want.

  • Is the course content dripped?

    No, you get access to the WHOLE course library right from the start. Take it at your own pace and learn the way you want to learn.

  • Who is this membership for?

    These courses are for anyone interested in learning more about witchcraft. The Coven is designed to introduce complex or difficult techniques and practices in witchcraft in an easy-to-understand manner. The classes are succinct, easy to understand, and thorough. Many of them have a heavy focus on helping to troubleshoot the common issues that arise for beginners as well.

    If that sounds like the way you want to learn witchcraft, then The Coven is the place for you!

  • How much time will it take?

    That’s up to you.

    Every course is self-paced. I’ve designed most of them to take a week at a moderate pace but if you like you can take a whole course in a day. Alternately, if you’re on the busier side you’re welcome to stretch a course out over an entire month. This school is here to help you learn witchcraft in the way that works best for you.

  • Can I take these courses even if I'm in another country/timezone?

    Absolutely, these classes don't include any real-time sessions or classes when you have to show up. You take the course material at your own pace when you have the time in your schedule, wherever in the world you are.

  • Can I pay with PayPal?

    Unfortunately, you cannot use PayPal to purchase a membership. As inconvenient as I know this is for some of you, that's simply how PayPal's policies work, they won't allow me to structure things any other way.

  • Can I cancel whenever I want?

    Absolutely. You can cancel at any time, there’s no contract locking you in and no penalty for cancelation.

Learning Witchcraft Has Never Been Easier

Join The Coven today and start making your magical dreams a reality.

Are you ready to step into your power?

The Coven is your ticket to finally unlocking your magic.

Tap into your magic with classes, spells, and community. Anytime. Anywhere.

Start learning today and reclaim your magical birthright!

  • Access To All 55+ Coven Classes
  • The Coven Spell Library
  • Private Community + App
  • The Premium Q&A Podcast
  • Monthly Guided Rituals
  • Learn 24/7. Anywhere. Anytime
  • Cancel Anytime


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