Have you ever felt like you needed a more effective cleansing method?

Cleansing baths are what you've been looking for. A good cleansing bath can not only remove energetic nastiness but also spirits, spells and curses, emotional issues, and so much more. They're basically the best multi-tool a witch could ask for! You can use them to prepare for magic or keep yourself in a generally good state for spell casting but you can also use them to solve all kinds of magical and energetic ailments.

If you're ready to learn how to cleanse like a boss, then this is the course for you.

Cleansing is one of those buzzwords that gets thrown around ALL the time but rarely does it get the spotlight. So many of us stick to waving a little incense around and calling it good but it can be used for so much more with the right techniques! It's time for you to take fullest advantage of this magical tool and start learning how to use cleansing baths to take your craft to the next level.

Don't have a bathtub? That's ok! I provide ways to use cleansing baths WITHOUT a tub so that you can make use of this amazing tool no matter what your circumstances. 

With this course you get:

>> An in-depth look at the many uses of cleansing baths including removing spells and hexes, improving your mental state, getting rid of old habits, and more!

>> Step by step procedures for basic baths, advanced ritual baths, and "no bath" baths

>> Recipes for tons of baths to solve any magical ailment

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Course curriculum

    1. Intro

    2. Types of Baths

    1. Basic Spiritual Bath

    2. Immersion

    3. Sprinkling, Sponging, & Foot Baths

    1. Lunar Cycle Baths

    2. Ritual Bathing

    3. Bath Recipes

About this course

  • 8 lessons