Does any of this sound familiar?

✓ You are so ready to finally feel like your spiritual life is supporting you in creating the life you want without the constant struggle and confusion.

✓ You’re suffering from “shiny object syndrome” – bouncing from one idea to the next, never fully committing to any of them, and ending up with a whole mess of half-baked spiritual ideas and nothing to show for it.

✓ You’ve tried every meditation and spiritual practice out there but you’re still feeling like you’re missing a key piece to making this whole spirituality thing work for you.

✓ You’ve been searching for clarity in your spiritual life but you’re still running into the same frustrations about staying consistent and knowing where to focus over and over again.

✓ You are TIRED of being told to meditate more, trust in the universe, or focus on “positive vibes” because it doesn’t help and it’s getting you nowhere.

✓ You’re over spiritual teachers who are all spouting off the same canned, generic advice that has failed you in the past and you’re ready for spiritual teachings that actually make your life better.

If any of these have you thinking "That's me! How did she know?!" then keep reading - You are in the right place.

Imagine what you’re going to feel like once you’ve found the key to making your spiritual life work for you, figured out how to make tangible changes to your life, and are living life in alignment with your soul every day.

How good would it feel to know that you have exactly what you need to grow and learn spiritually and release yourself from the confusion and scattered attention that are stopping you from becoming the person you know you can be?

You get to revel in your spiritual life, confident that whatever the Universe throws at you, you’re ready to handle it.

You're Ready To Go Deeper

But let's be real, life is busy and spiritual teachings are often confusing and not very practical.

Trust me, I get it. We all have so many responsibilities to juggle. Spouses, jobs, kids, hobbies, chores, friendships.

How are you supposed to find any time for your own spiritual growth?!

It can seem like a struggle just to find any time at all for your spiritual life, and then when you do find the time, it can be next to impossible to pick the right resources, practices, and tools to make the most of what you do carve out.

I know you're ready to step into your power and live a life full of joy, passion, and purpose. It's the life that you've always dreamed of, but sometimes it can feel like you're lost at sea.

You know your spiritual life is SUPPOSED to feel nourishing and supportive, and give you that deeper sense of connection that you crave but if that's the case, why does it often feel like just another task on your long to-do list?

I hear you. I've felt this exact frustration myself SO many times.

The truth is, your spiritual life doesn't have to be so confusing and scattered! You don't have to feel like you're running in circles and your spiritual life shouldn't feel like a chore.

This is the real reason why spiritual traditions throughout the millennia have encouraged people to choose a single spiritual teacher.

It's not that one teacher has all of the answers while the others do not. It's not that they have some secret hidden knowledge. It's not even that spiritual teachers want or need their students to be solely focused on their teachings.

It's simply that devoting yourself to the teachings of a single spiritual guide smooths the path to spiritual growth and eliminates confusion.

This is why I created my premium newsletter.

I want to offer you clarity.



The security that no matter what is happening in the rest of your world, no matter what other spiritual teachers or practices you explore, you have a mentor guiding you along the path every single week. 

No matter how busy you get, how much the world demands your attention, no matter the distractions that may crop up, you will still have a moment to yourself to grow and deepen your spiritual knowledge every week, delivered straight to your inbox.

There is absolutely no need for you to walk the path alone. 

Amidst the overwhelming amount of spiritual information available, these teachings distill my work down to the essentials, making your spiritual growth an accessible and straightforward experience.

Let me guide you forward into your deepest spiritual life.

Here's What You'll Get

  • The Premium Newsletter

    I publish a new issue of the premium newsletter at least once a week but occasionally, I'll publish more often to really get deep into a particular subject. You'll receive each issue directly in your email inbox. This is my best teachings delivered straight to you in the most convenient way possible. No having to carve out time or go looking for ways to continue growing.

  • Deep Spiritual Knowledge

    This newsletter is where I follow my intuition and teach from the soul. Astrology. Human design. Shadow work. Relationships. Shamanic practices. Consciousness. Entheogens. Sex magic. Wealth and abundance. Astrocartography. The Enneagram. Fourth Way. Emotions. I hold nothing back and teach only those things that have truly transformative potential.

  • The Archive

    You will also get access to the complete archive of all past issues of the newsletter to ensure you never miss out. If you want to read more about a specific subject, find a particular issue to reread, or explore more of my teachings in your free time, The Archive is there for you to do just that. Everything is organized by date with clear headlines so you can find exactly what you're looking for.

How do I know if this is right for me?

You are ready to join my premium newsletter if:

  • You are ready to step into a more expansive reality 
  • You want access to soul-deep confidence in yourself and your path in life
  • You enjoy challenging yourself and are ready to do the work that it takes to see real transformation
  • You want to upgrade your spiritual life on every level

You are NOT ready to take this course if:

  • You are unwilling to do the work that it takes to learn how to see yourself at the deepest level
  • You don't have any big problems that you're ready to solve once and for all
  • You're not open to seeing yourself, the world, and your life differently

Hi! I'm Avery

I'm a Generator, an Aries, and a 5/1. If you're new to HD, this means I was BORN to make the spiritual accessible and practical. I love taking the esoteric and obscure and finding ways to deliver it to my students so that they can actually see real transformation in their lives.

I created this newsletter after years of searching for a complete formula for how to make tangible, consistent changes in my life. I did it myself, and knew I needed to share these powerful resources with more people!

I’m excited to see you own your power and step into your most expansive spiritual potential!


  • What is The Avery Hart Insider Newsletter?

    The Avery Hart Insider Newsletter is a weekly paid subscription service delivering spiritual content directly to your inbox. It's designed to provide guidance, clarity, and practical insights for your spiritual journey.

  • Why should I subscribe to this newsletter?

    Our newsletter offers a unique approach to spiritual growth, providing clarity, simplicity, and direction. By subscribing, you'll have a mentor guiding you each week, ensuring a consistent and nourishing experience on your spiritual path.

  • What topics does the newsletter cover?

    The newsletter covers a wide range of spiritual topics, including practical teachings, tools for daily life, and insights to help you deepen your spiritual knowledge. Expect content that fosters joy, passion, and purpose.

  • How is this newsletter different from other spiritual resources?

    Unlike other resources, The Avery Hart Insider Newsletter focuses on offering a single, dedicated guide to smooth your path to spiritual growth. It provides a consistent and personalized experience, eliminating confusion and providing a clear direction.

  • Can I trust the guidance provided in the newsletter?

    Absolutely. The insights shared in the newsletter are based on a wealth of spiritual knowledge and personal experiences, as well as two decades of intensive study with my own spiritual mentors. The aim is to offer genuine guidance that resonates with your unique journey.

  • Is this suitable for beginners in spirituality, or is it more advanced?

    The newsletter is designed to be accessible for individuals at all levels of their spiritual journey. Whether you're a beginner or have been on the path for a while, you'll find valuable insights and guidance tailored to your needs.

  • How often will I receive the newsletter?

    The newsletter is delivered weekly, ensuring a consistent and regular source of guidance. This frequency allows you to integrate spiritual growth into your routine without overwhelming your schedule.

  • What format does the content take?

    The content is delivered in a written format directly to your email inbox. It's designed to be easily digestible, allowing you to absorb the teachings at your own pace.

  • Can I cancel my subscription at any time?

    Yes, you have the flexibility to cancel your subscription at any time. We want you to feel empowered in your journey, and if the newsletter no longer aligns with your needs, you can easily opt-out.